Growing Algae Sustainably in the Baltic Sea

Just like planting trees seaweed draws carbon out of the atmosphere, but grows much faster than land based plants and does require fresh water, fertiliser or agricultural land to grow. At the same time it cleans deacidifies and oxygenates the surrounding water whilst providing habitat and food for all kinds of marine life.

Manual Productions created a video collecting the results of the SUBMARINER Networks GRASS projects three year research investigating sustainable seaweed cultivation in the Baltic Sea. The video features pioneering scientists, policy makers, scientific advisers and entrepreneurs all working on the emerging seaweed industry. Manual Prouctions co-created the script, planned and executed the shoots, created a new aquatic visual language, created an animated sequence for the video and did the post production. Interviews and filming was done in Finland, Estonia, Denmark and Belgium.

Watch video.

The project was created in collaboration with: European Commission, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Finnish Maritime Spatial Planning, Estonian Ministry of Environment, Estonian Maritime Museum, Origin by Ocean, Nordic SeaFarm

Client: SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG

What was created: A new aquatic visual language, animation, video.